Performing Swaps

Before we begin, you should have an understanding of what ticks are and how they are stored. If not, you can reference this page.

Trade with WhirlpoolClient

You can use the swap quote and WhirlpoolClient to easily perform a trade.

Learn more about amountSpecifiedIsInput , aToB in the section below.

Generating a swap quote by input or output token

Generate quote with one of the quote functions:

  • swapQuoteByInputToken if you want an estimate on the amount of outputToken received on an amount of inputToken.

  • swapQuoteByOutputToken if you want an estimate on the amount of inputToken needed to receive a set amount of outputToken.

The resulting SwapQuote object contains the estimations on the expected amount of tokenIn, tokenOut, fees, projected ending sqrtPrice. When you are ready, plug the quote object directly into the swapIx to perform the trade.

const whirlpoolPda = PDAUtil.getWhirlpool(...);
const whirlpoolClient = buildWhirlpoolClient(ctx);
const whirlpool = await whirlpoolClient.getPool(whirlpoolPda.publicKey, true);
// use getData or refreshData, depending on whether you think your data is stale.
const whirlpoolData = await whirlpool.getData(); 

const inputTokenQuote = await swapQuoteByInputToken(
  new u64(190000000),
  Percentage.fromFraction(1, 1000), // 0.1%

// Send out the transaction
const txId = await (await whirlpool.swap(inputTokenQuote)).buildAndExecute();

Adding a developer fee to the swap

The SDK provides an alternate quote & swap function to let developers take a fee as a percentage of the input asset. This feature is a convenient way to calculate the percentage, build a transfer instruction for the fee, and use the remaining input asset in a swap instruction.

// Wallet used to collect developer fees
const DEV_WALLET = new PublicKey(...)

const whirlpoolPda = PDAUtil.getWhirlpool(...);
const whirlpoolClient = buildWhirlpoolClient(ctx);
const whirlpool = await whirlpoolClient.getPool(whirlpoolPda.publicKey, true);
// use getData or refreshData, depending on whether you think your data is stale.
const whirlpoolData = await whirlpool.getData(); 

const inputTokenQuote = await swapQuoteByInputTokenWithDevFees(
  new u64(190000000),
  Percentage.fromFraction(1, 1000), // 0.1%
  Percentage.fromFraction(2, 1000), // 0.2% of the input asset will be sent to DEV_WALLET

// Send out the transaction
const txId = await (await whirlpool.swapWithDevFees(inputTokenQuote, DEV_WALLET)).buildAndExecute();

Note: The developer fee transfer is performed by the SPL Token program or System program, and not the Whirlpools program.

Best practice is to pre-create Associated Token Accounts (ATA) for each token type which will be sent to the developer wallet. Also, if the fee will be payed in SOL, make sure that the developer wallet has at least 0.001 SOL to ensure that the wallet account will meet rent exemption.

The Manual Way

Manually constructing your own parameters gives you more flexibility in defining the boundaries of your trade.

Trade Parameters

The swap instruction requires the following input (and other common accounts) to execute the trade.

export type SwapInput = {
  amount: u64;
  otherAmountThreshold: u64;
  sqrtPriceLimit: BN;
  amountSpecifiedIsInput: boolean;
  aToB: boolean;
  tickArray0: PublicKey;
  tickArray1: PublicKey;
  tickArray2: PublicKey;
  • Decide the trade direction with aToB

    • If true, you are trading from token A to B

    • If false, you are trading from token B to A

  • Decide the token you would like to cap with amountSpecifiedIsInput

    • If true, amount is the value representing the token being traded from. This amount is subject to trade fees before the trade calculation.

    • If false, amount is the value representing the token being traded to. This amount is the required token out amount from a trade after fees.

  • Decide whether you want to cap the other token of the trade using otherAmountThreshold

    • If amountSpecifiedIsInput is true, this amount represents the minimum amount of output token expected from this trade. If you do not want to cap, use 0.

    • If amountSpecifiedIsInput is false, this amount represents the maximum amount of input token that can be used to trade to an expected amount of the output token. If you do not want to cap, use the maximum amount of tokens in your wallet.

  • Decide the price limit that you would like to cap this trade to with sqrtPriceLimit.

    • If aToB is true, the trade will push the price lower. This amount is minimum sqrt-price that the trade will trade to if input token amount is sufficient.

    • If aToB is false, the trade will push the price higher. This amount is the maximum sqrt-price that the trade will trade to if the the input token amount is sufficient.

    • If you don't have a cap and want to trade as much as you've defined with amount and otherAmountThreshold, use the minimum price of your tick-array range for bToA and maximum price of your tick-range for aToB. If you don't mind hitting tick-array errors or you know your swap won't move the price too much, you can use MIN_SQRT_PRICE or MAX_SQRT_PRICE.

    • sqrt-price is a x64 number. So your number would need to multiplied by 2^64. Use PriceMath utils here to help you do the conversion.

  • amount and otherAmountThreshold are u64 numbers. So make sure you shift your expected token numbers by the token's decimal.

Tick Arrays

The tick-array parameters are a sequence of tick-arrays that your swap may traverse through. tickArray0 will always be the PublicKey of the TickArray that houses the current tick-index.

In almost all cases, you can use the SwapUtils.getTickArrays to generate the sequence of tick-arrays that you need.

If you opt for building it yourself and you know that your swap is small enough that it's unlikely to traverse through an array, simply provide the same tickArray0 account for all 3 accounts. Once you have the sequence of tick-array public keys, you can use the AccountFetcher to check that the tick-arrays are initialized.

To learn more about tick-arrays and how its traversal works, read here.

Common usage examples

Assume all tokens below have a decimal of 6

  1. Trading 100 token A for some amount of token B.

  2. Trading a max amount of 50 token B for 100 token A

  3. Trade whatever amount needed to move the price from current sqrt-price 50_x64 to sqrt_price 250_x64

    • aToB - false, amount - max amount in your wallet, amountSpecifiedIsInput - true

    • otherAmountThreshold - 0, sqrt_price_limit - 250_x64

Sample Code

const whirlpoolAddress = PDAUtil.getWhirlpool(...).publicKey;
const whirlpoolData = await fetcher.getPool(whirlpoolAddress);

// Option 1 - Get the current tick-array PDA based on your desired sequence
const startTick = TickUtil.getStartTickIndex(whirlpoolData.tickCurrentIndex, whirlpoolData.tickSpacing);
const tickArrayKey = PDAUtil.getTickArray(ORCA_WHIRLPOOL_PROGRAM_ID, whirlpoolAddress, startTick);

// Option 2 - Get the sequence of tick-arrays to trade in based on your trade direction. 
const tickArrays = SwapUtils.getTickArrays(

// This swap assumes the swap will not cross the current tick-array's boundaries
// Swap 10 tokenA for tokenB. Or up until the price hits $4.95.
const amountIn = DecimalUtil.fromNumber(10, tokenADecimal);
const swapInput: SwapInput = {
  amount: amountIn,
  otherAmountThreshold: ZERO,
  sqrtPriceLimit: MathUtil.toX64(new Decimal(4.95)),
  amountSpecifiedIsInput: true,
  aToB: true,
  tickArray0: tickArrays[0],
  tickArray1: tickArrays[1],
  tickArray2: tickArrays[2]

// Send the transaction
const tokenAccountA, tokenAccountB = ...
const oraclePda = PDAUtil.getOracle(ctx.program.programId, whirlpoolPda.publicKey);
const tx = toTx(
  WhirlpoolIx.swapIx(ctx.program, {
    whirlpool: whirlpoolAddress,
    tokenAuthority: ctx.wallet.publicKey,
    tokenOwnerAccountA: tokenAccountA,
    tokenVaultA: whirlpoolData.tokenVaultA,
    tokenOwnerAccountB: tokenAccountB,
    tokenVaultB: whirlpoolData.tokenVaultB,
    oracle: oraclePda.publicKey,
  await tx.buildAndExecute();

Note: Price Oracle has to be provided but it's not being used at the moment.

Compute Budget Limitation

The swap instruction can be the most computational expensive operation, depending on how big of a price impact the swap. When you are operating in a low liquidity pool with a lot of gaps, this may be an issue that you would have to consider. If you cannot complete your swap under the current compute budget, you will have to split up your trade across multiple transactions.

  • Baseline compute budget for swap is around 70k.

  • The maximum amount of swap loop iterations that can fit in the current maximum budget of 200k is around 10 loops.

  • The amount of price impact a single swap can make is based on a couple of factors:

    • The spacing of the initialized ticks. If a lot of positions have been initialized such that all initializable ticks in the sequence are all initialized, the more iterations is needed to cross the price range.

    • The tick spacing of the pool. The larger the tick spacing, the larger the price difference is between initializable ticks, the larger the price jump is on every swap iteration.

Common Errors

  • ZeroTradableAmount (0x1793) - User provided parameter amount is 0.

  • InvalidSqrtPriceLimitDirection (0x1792) - User provided parameter sqrt_price_limit does not match the direction of the trade.

  • SqrtPriceOutOfBounds (0x177b) - User provided parameter sqrt_price_limit is not between the bounds of [ MIN_SQRT_PRICE, MAX_SQRT_PRICE]

  • InvalidTickArraySequence (0x1787) - The swap traversal has landed on a tick-array that is out of sequence or uninitialized. Double check the tick-array sequence that is being passed in.

  • TickArrayIndexOutofBounds (0x1773) - The swap loop attempted to access an invalid array index during tick crossing.

  • LiquidityOverflow (0x177e)- Liquidity value overflowed 128bits during tick crossing.

  • InvalidTickSpacing (0x1774) - The swap pool was initialized with tick-spacing of 0.

Last updated